Style is based on a set of principles. We have also discussed the inability to have style without first knowing who one is. However one’s style is also a complete reflection of his attitude.

 One’s wardrobe should not only mirror who one wants to be, but it also should be a way to express one’s confidence in the fact that, that it is what one wants to be. Of course, one should believe in himself, as this should be a fundamental belief. If one can not believe in himself, then he should make the necessary changes that he has to so that he can believe in himself.

 Don’t let the past hold you back from believing in the person that you want to be, as your past is only relevant to where were at. One can change where he’ll end up, but that starts with immediate action and believing in himself so that he can change his future.

Knowing who one is and how one wants to come across is only part of the battle that lies within. One must have the confidence to believe in himself in order to possess style. Now, how does one show confidence in a world filled with insecurities?  That can be a hard question to answer. Part of answering that question goes along with knowing who one is, and where one wants to be in the future. Sometimes, one has to have the attitude of “faking it, until he makes it”. This thought process is not a form of lying, but is a form of believing in himself even when  he feels like no one else does.

 Here are a few great ideas to study up on to build your confidence.

• Body Language - The way in which one carries himself is a huge indicator to the people around him of how his attitude. Do some research on developing good body language. - “You are never fully dressed without a smile”  (Be wary of being over confident and coming off as an arrogant person . From my experience, the more pride someone has, the deeper his insecurities run.)

•  Body Pampering - Take care of yourself! Find a good stylist and have him help choose a a hair style suites you. Secondly, one’s skin is important! Don’t be afraid to do some research and find some great skin products. Thirdly, keep your nails clean and in good condition. Lastly, keep your teeth clean. Dental hygiene plays a very important role with your style.  

 Those are some very basic ideas to supplement the clothing one wears, but all of it is vital to developing style. 

 Now, by only making these changes one will not attain style. Remember, style is based on a set of principles, and these are built with time. Style is based with knowing who one is, and this comes with mediation and an inner searching of ones purpose in this world. Style is also the reflection of your attitude, which comes with building your body language and knowing how one is perceived by the world around him. Style is not attained overnight, but it is built as one continues his journey in life. As long as one continues to develop his principles of style while finding out where he wants to end up, and he self improves; then he will have attainted style before he can realize it.


This week we are doing things differently. We saw how many people enter our contests each week and would like to even the ground for this week.

1. Follow us on Inatagram @GuysNTies1

2. Like the contest photo.

3. Here is the fun part. If you get us 25 followers, you'll get a tie. 50 followers and you'll get a dress shirt, 75 followers and you'll get dress shoes, socks, and a belt. You can be creative on how you get followers, BUT, each follower you send to us, they MUST direct message us and say "(your name) sent me to follow you". If all 250 people that enter reach a goal, they all get the prize. Simple as that.

The contest ends tomorrow at 3pm Chicago time.

Shirt & Tie Giveaway and Blog

Shirt & Tie Giveaway and Blog